Munnange Counseling Centre

Munnange Counseling Centre is a Community-Based Organization in Entebbe that provides free Holistic counseling services to people with diverse psychological difficulties. The organization offices are Nkumba University ( opening from Monday to Friday to University students and people in the surrounding communities. At the Centre the sessions are done for all categories of people in individual and group counseling sessions setting. We therefore, work to enhance the psychological growth, emotion wellbeing and learning potentials of all vulnerable students, individuals and families.

Our work is segmented into various categories including;

  • School Outreaches

    We reach out to many third-class schools and orphanage around Nkumba University and Entebbe which consist of the highest percentage of underprivileged children, adolescents and youth who are vulnerable to psychological suffering due to their conflictual, poor and single or orphaned family statuses. Psychological assessment and treatment are conducted on students and pupils to make sure that psychological growth, emotional and behavioral wellbeing and mental health is enhanced at no cost. “Our main mandate here is to create awareness about the various Mental Health challenges and provide a supporting hand to the children faced with them


  • Police and Prison Outreaches.

    These services aim to help reduce psychological suffering of the victims of intimate partner violence including women, men, children and relatives, give a psychological assessment and counseling to the offenders/ inmates to eliminate the recurrence of crime by the same perpetrators and the promotion of psychological wellbeing. In Entebbe, we extend our services to Kitala prison, where we provide group and individual Counseling/ psychosocial support sessions to the inmates and the staff to enhance their Mental wellbeing. We also help them re-integrated back to the society and avoid re-occurrence of crime when they are released from prison.

  • Community work

    These include community counseling, Home visits and provides, families with individual counseling, child and adolescent psychological assessment and counseling, group counseling, couple, community dialogues and relationship counseling etcetera.

    We work with different organizations under Katabi Civil Society Organizations (CSO) network such as Recue the poor Uganda, Hope for restoration initiative on different projects, such as; Island mission, sex work workers project, Domestic violence project, psychosocial training session o organizations and community outreaches targeting the youth in communities.

  • Short term Projects

    Through CSO network, we work with other organizations on projects such as youth empowerment through mind set change programs and Domestic violence program where we give skilling and psychosocial support to victimized women. Such programs can run for six months to years depending to the need in a particular community and the funding available.